Pay It Forward

Author: Deja Bonney

 Active community service helps us to find purpose in our lives, which is a realization that Leanne Joyce discovered when she was just twelve years old and founded the non-profit Positive Impact For Kids. Leanne was born with Aortic Valve Stenosis, which is a heart condition that narrows the aortic valve, preventing proper blood flow. While she was in the hospital waiting for her test results, two teenage volunteers decided to give her a gift, which made her feel a little less scared about what she was going through. This was the catalyst that encouraged her to start this non-profit organization. Her mission is to make pediatric patients feel less pain, anxiety, and help boost their self-esteem with gifts such as toys or educational tools.

The selflessness of Joyce’s actions have inspired action among many people, perhaps it can provide you with inspiration to give selflessly, love unconditionally, and preach the greatness of service. Your act of kindness doesn’t have to turn into a huge nonprofit like Positive Impact For Kids, it can be as simple as helping a homeless person buy a meal, a blind person cross the street, or helping a fellow classmate study for a big test. We all have the ability to help someone in some way, just as we ourselves need some help every now and then. In order to receive help when needed, we must all pay it forward. This means that when someone does something nice for you, you have to do something nice for someone else to keep the cycle of giving alive.

How are you going to give back to your community? Are there any other non-profit organizations that touch your heart or that you can join?