March 2023 at the SECD Lab

March 2023 at SECD Lab

Welcome back to the SECD Lab, lab highlights. This month we were ecstatic to be able to participate in SEL Day and the celebration leading up to SEL Day! The Digital Communication and Social Media team crafted various graphics to advocate for SEL Day. Check out our social media pages linked down below. 

SEL Day, March 10th, 2023

SEL Day is celebrated on the second Friday of March to spread awareness on the positive effects of Social Emotional Learning. Dr. Elias was able to be a key speaker advocating for SEL day! With the help the Digital Communications and Social Media team, the SECD Lab made top ten on the #SELday leader board. We placed at #8 with thirteen different badges awarded and one-hundred and fifteen points accumulated!

Image created by Ashley Q. Retrieved from SECD_Lab Instagram

Based on the New York Times, around 2/3 of students tend to struggle with reading. How can we reduce that number and incorporate Social Emotional Skills into reading activities? Dr. Elias takes about a few different ways that SEL can be integrated into reading such as;

  1. Recognizing an labeling feeling ins pictures and dialogue

  2. being able to table others perspective and having empathy

  3. Managing strong emotions while reading

  4. Relating to others

  5. Problem solving around diffculites

Check out the full article by clicking this link!

Effectiveness of SEL Instructions

As Spring break is coming up for different school districts, we wanted to express the effective benefits of Social-emotional learning teaching. Dr.Elias highlights 4 ways to create an SEL Classroom environment and 5 techniques to incorporate SEL in the lesson plans. Dr. Elias highlights many benefits of positivity and gratitude in the classroom. For example, when a child feels praised and appreciated, that same attitude is reflected onto other students. This way of teaching can help not only students social awareness but decrease the violence in the classrooms. Dr. Elias talks about how cooperating small groups, open-ended questions can help with social awareness as well!

Some of Dr. Elias’s recommendations are 

  1. Be positive and encouraging.

  2. Generate as much student participation/leadership as possible.

  3. Build positive relationships with the students and among the students.

  4. Promote the thinking skills essential for school success.

If you want to learn more about incorporating SEL techniques to incorporate in the classroom. Please checkout the article by clicking this link: Gauging the Effectiveness of SEL Instruction

3 SEL Practices That Early Childhood Educators Can Use Every Day by Lainie Rowell, Naomi Toland

At the younger level, SEL tends to be explicitly taught! Providing strong skills of now can help children succeed. Laine and Naomi talk about the three of the most popular SEL practices that are used to help create this foundation for students to learn self mangement, social awareness and more!

New STAT Facebook Page

Anyone interested in SEL (social-emotional learning and STAT, should join this group! Every week, there will be a different theme, discussion questions centered around that theme, as well as discussion about current events in SEL and STAT.

Scan the QR Code to join!

Make Sure to get a copy of the Students Taking Action Together, STAT book