August 2022 at the SECD Lab

August 2022 at the SECD Lab!

Here at the SECD Lab, we are counting down the days for Back to School! The month of August is declared International Peace Month! We wanted not only to celebrate peace within SEL and classrooms, but advocating for peace national and internationally. We also wanted to spread awareness for National Smile week and many more!

Our very own, Dr. Elias had the opportunity to present for NJ Early Care and Education Alliance about the social and Emotional impact Covid-19 has had on Young Children.

“Emotional vocabulary is more than word recognition. It shapes how children see the world. If one only knows black and white, one will not be able to see and appreciate all the colors that there are in the world.” (Dr. Maurice J. Elias, PH.D)

Check out the presentation here, as well as more presentations in our Resources Tab!

International Peace Month

International Peace month was first declared by Democratic Peace Conference in Germany during 1926. Although intended for different reasons, International Peace month is now celebrated throughout the month of August  to strengthen our concept of peace and to help others understand that one's present day mistake will be followed by more  peaceful days. 

As we approach a new school year, many students and parents may experience levels of stress and anxiety. We wanted to ensure that all students feel safe in their new environments and provided some resources that will help with managing stress and emotions, so every morning can start off with mindfulness and peacefulness!

To help promote the importance of International Peace Month, we've provided you with some resources below! 

What Brain Science Teaches Us About Conflict Resolution | Edutopia–When a teacher noticed her kids fighting at recess, she turned to neuroscience and mindfulness practice to help them take control of their emotions.

Silence as a Co-regulation Strategy in the Pre-K Classroom | Edutopia–During tense situations, young children can learn to regulate their emotions when teachers calmly sit with them—using zero words at first

A Toolkit for Students in Crisis | Edutopia–An elementary school assistant principal shares a few ideas for how to help students calm down and regain self-control.

Starting the Day With a Calming Routine

How Short Breaks Help K-12 Students and Teachers Find Their Calm | Edutopia–Exercises that help young students who’ve experienced trauma transition into the school day in a relaxed and ready state

Self-Regulation Strategies for Young Students–An occupational therapist offers simple exercises for helping students from preschool through fifth grade manage their energy and emotions.

National Smile Week !!

National Smile week is celebrated the second week of August. The goal of National smile week is to try to do things that make us smile and to do random acts of kindness. As we get older, we tend to stress over many external factors, however if we learn at a young age to express ourselves and feel comfortable seeking help, we can reduce that anxiety and stress. For example, teachers are dedicating 60 seconds each day for students to talk about someone who is close to them! This encourages students to learn how to build trust and help with vulnerability in future relationships! 

In Honor of National Smile week, we celebrated in august and wanted to spread more kindness and ways smiling helps increase ones mood!

Here are some Resources: 

Cultivating Community With Smiles and Frowns– A simple activity helps students feel more comfortable sharing details of their lives, a foundation for a strong classroom community.

A Sense of Security Is Key for Students–A warm smile can go a long way toward helping a middle or high school student who is struggling academically.

Friendly Fridays Teach the Art of Kindness | Edutopia–During weekly creative time, students get to know each other—and learn the value of making others smile.

A Culture of Kindness in Early Childhood Classrooms-Encouraging kindness in the early grades helps children develop behaviors that have value far beyond their school years.

A Daily Ritual That Builds Trust and Community Among K-12 Students | Edutopia-An activity that encourages students to open up about a person close to them can bring a whole class together in profound ways. 

Using Dance to Promote SEL Skills-Bringing dance into the classroom with simple exercises can help elementary students develop social and emotional learning skills.

Making Prosocial Behavior Contagious in Classrooms | Edutopia

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