Laura F. Bond, M.Ed.

Laura F. Bond, M.Ed., is an Educational Leader in Central New Jersey and has taught Secondary Social Studies for 19 years. She has served as an Assistant Principal in both a high school and an elementary school, and recently as a K-5 Curriculum Supervisor. She is a former Head Clerk and currently an Interim K-8 Curriculum Supervisor. She is passionate about Whole Child Education and disrupting the hidden curriculum in schools and classrooms through equity-driven social-emotional learning and inclusivity measures. She is a member of the Executive Board of NJASCD and sits on the Board of Mercer Street Friends in Trenton, NJ. She has served on a PK-6 Public School Board as the Curriculum Chairperson and as the Head Clerk of a Quaker School Committee. Laura resides in Central New Jersey with her educator husband and two children. She enjoys hiking, biking and spending time exploring and discussing the possibilities of our shared humanity and the world with her family.